Oxford County Branch – Ontario Ancestors – February 10th Meeting on Zoom
The Potter’s Field Project at the Ingersoll Rural Cemetery: Presented by Cody Groat, Assistant Professor in the Department of History and the Indigenous Studies program at Western University.
This presentation will focus on the work of the Potter’s Field Project at the Ingersoll Rural Cemetery. The Potter’s Field is an unmarked section of the cemetery where nearly 400 people were buried. These community members were differentiated based of their socio-economic status. The stories of people who were buried in the Potter’s Field will be shared including stories of former enslaved African Americans, British Home Children, people impacted by the Chinese Head Tax, and the unhoused.
To register for this free presentation, please visit our website at https://oxford.ogs.on.ca
Family Day at the Oxford Branch of Ontario Ancestors – February 17, 2025
Make this a true Family Day activity and take this opportunity to start the next generation on a lifelong journey of discovery by introducing them to genealogy and family history. Drop in at the Oxford County Branch of Ontario Ancestors Open House at the Governors’ House, in Court House Square, 82 Light Street, Woodstock on Family Day, from 10 am 4 pm. Oxford Branch holds a large and growing collection of resources and reference material on family and local history. Regular hours are Tuesday – Thursday 10 am to 4 pm. The Open House will be held on February 17th, 2025 from 1 pm to 4 pm. Everyone is welcome. For more information check our web site at https://oxford.ogs.on.ca email oxford@ogs.on.ca or call 519-421-1700.

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If you would like your event or article published (relating to Oxford County ON or South-Western ON), on the Society’s blog please email us at info@oxhs.ca