All Oxford Historical Society will be at held at the Woodstock Museum, NHS.
Doors open at 6:30pm, meeting starts at 6:45pm, presentation at 7pm.
Masks are suggested but not mandatory.
Meetings are free and are open to the public, Society membership not required.
2024 Events
Wednesday, January 31, 2024: AGM & Presentation

Please join us for the Society’s AGM, which will be held at the Woodstock Museum, NHS, meeting will begin at 6:30pm.
For 2024 the Society will not be taking membership fees.
AGM Presentation – Elaine Becker: Shipwrecks on Lake Erie from Port Dover to Port Stanley
From the presentation: “6,000 wrecks have occurred in the Great Lakes with 175 and 200 wrecks off Long Point. Many have never been identified. Port Dover to Port Stanley on Lake Erie, will be the focus of the presentation touching on some of the more notable stories.”
Wednesday, February 28, 2024: Brenda Boswell presenting ‘ Party Line – Supporting Homemakers Over the Airwaves!’

Please join us for Brenda Boswell’s presentation on Alice Munro and the Party Line, which will be held at the Woodstock Museum, NHS, doors open at 6:30pm, meeting starts at 6:45pm, presentation at 7pm.
From Brenda’s presentation:
“Alice Munro was invited into the homes of many women within the CKOX listening area every day from 10:10 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. CKOX introduced a new program “Party Line” in 1959 on an experimental basis. Women’s Commentator, Alice Munro invited listeners to call in and describe any problem pertaining to Homemaking which might require an answer. Others in the listening audience were encouraged to phone and supply the answer.
The show was so popular that Alice produced three booklets of “Hints and Recipes for the Homemaker” in 1960, 1961 and 1965 which were “must haves” for her followers.
Party Line was part of a bigger movement across North America to help women feel less isolated in their homes. As many women who had joined the workplace during WWII were displaced by returning soldiers, popular culture encouraged women to return to domestic life and look after their family which included creating interesting meals, keeping the home spotless and stain free.
While Alice Munro did not create the concept of reaching homemakers by the radio, she certainly captivated local homemakers. How many of us remember the hour after the 10:00 a.m. as being a sacred time in the kitchen. The presentation will explore some of the early homemakers tailored to reach an untapped part of the market and how the stringing of hydro lines brought the most isolated women a connection to the world. It also provided a wonderful opportunity for broadcasters to sell advertising.
From Alice Munro to Martha Stewart and beyond, women continue to connect with each other via the media.
Oh yes, we will also touch on the story of Aunt Sammy, a fictional character created by the US Bureau of Home Economics which focussed on rural farm women. And how does this relate to the Queen of Romania you ask? Set your dial to the Oxford Historical Society channel on Feb. 28th, to find out!“
Wednesday, March 27, 2024: Membership Discussion on the Future of the Oxford Historical Society!
Please join us for a meeting on the Future of the Oxford Historical Society, which will be held at the Woodstock Museum, NHS, doors open at 6:30pm and the meeting starts at 6:45pm.
Wednesday, April 24, 2024: All the Eyes of Canada Are Upon Us!

With those words, Major Edward Cuthbert Norsworthy inspired his small band of soldiers to hold the line and stem the onslaught of horrors fraught by the German hordes during the opening night of the Second Battle of Ypres, April 22, 1917. This act of heroism came at a deadly price but established the reputation for Canadian troops as some of the fiercest, bravest and best fighters of the Allied effort during the First World War. ~ What drove this young man; this boy from Ingersoll? ~ His story will inspire you. Warning! You may experience chills and shivers of pride as you listen to his tale.
Presented by Scott Gilles, local historian, former museum curator Norwich Museum & Archives and Ingersoll Cheese & Agricultural Museum.
Feel free to print and share this poster: All the Eyes of Canada Are Upon Us!
Meeting will be held at the Woodstock Museum, NHS, doors open at 6:30pm and the meeting starts at 6:45pm. This is a free public event, all are welcome to attend!
Wednesday, May 29, 2024: Woodstock As It Was!

Eleanor Gardhouse will talk about historical Woodstock and some of its known landmarks:
Join us as we step back in time and explore the many changes to this City over the decades. We will visit the Downtown, once a thriving main street with shops like Lamons Bakery shown above. Museum Square about to undergo another transformation, the Hotel Oxford, Capital Theater, Southside Park, Ye Old Shu and much more. The City of Woodstock is embarking on an ambitious streetscape plan for the Downtown in 2024 – help us find ideas to promote Woodstock’s future by building on our knowledge of the past through this amazing collection of photographs and postcards.
This presentation will take place at the Woodstock Museum, NHS. The meeting will start at 6:30pm. This is a free public meeting, all are welcome to attend.
Saturday, August 10, 2024 at 10am:
Oxford Historical Society Presents:
Ingersoll Rural Cemetery Walking Tour with Scott Gillies!

Tuesday, September 24, 2024:

Mel’s Fish n Chips
360 Dundas St.
Woodstock ON N4S 1B7
Dinner off the menu, reservations required, starting at 5pm
Meeting at 6:45pm
Presented by Brenda Boswell, Secretary, Oxford Historical Society,
who started washing dishes at Baird’s Fish & Chips at age 12!
Fish & Chips wrapped in newspaper and the smell of vinegar and frying oil evokes warm memories for most people who have ever lived in Woodstock.
See the original custom art deco fryer imported from Great Britain, hear the history of fish and chips in Woodstock and view the Eric Dwyer original nautical themed paintings gracing the walls for over 50 years. Of course, there will be lots of behind-the-scenes stories about the longest running restaurant in Woodstock.
For guaranteed seating, make a reservation and come for dinner.
There is a limit of 50 seats available. Ordering will be off the menu.
Walk-ins at 6:30 are welcome, depending on seating availability.
For dinner reservations starting at 5:00, contact Kathie Richards by email:
Poster for sharing: Mom & Dad & Little Nippers
Wednesday, October 30, 2024:
Black Cats Walking Under Ladders!

Presented by Scott Gillies:
Come for a fun night to discover some of the common and quirky superstitions people observe in their daily lives – from good luck charms and health and safety tips, to forecasting the weather and other foreboding omens. Not to worry. No spells will be cast nor newts blinded during this fun-filled presentation but it might be good luck to arrive on time for a 6:30 start! This is a free event and open to all.
This presentation will take place at the Woodstock Museum, NHS. The meeting will start at 6:30pm. This is a free public meeting, all are welcome to attend.
Saturday, November 9 & Sunday, November 10, 2023: 18th Annual Oxford Creates Art Show & Sale!
Save the date! 18th Annual Oxford Creates Art Show and Sale. Over 40 vendors – paintings, pottery, jewellery, sculpture and much more.
Come and visit the Society’s booth to purchase some local history publications!
This is a cash only event, taxes included in the prices.
Craigowan Golf Club just north of Woodstock on Hwy 59 (595838 Hwy 59 N. Woodstock ON).
Saturday, November 9th: 10am – 4pm
Sunday, November 10th: 12-4pm
Free admission. Please come out to support your local arts community.
For more information about this event contact Oxford Creates!
Saturday, November 9, 2024 at 10am:
Oxford Historical Society Presents:
Where Heroes Lay – Ingersoll Rural Cemetery Walking Tour with Scott Gillies!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024:
The Medals of the Woodstock Coin Club: A Numismatic History of Oxford County

Many years ago, the slogan for Coin Week Canada was “History in your Hands.” Since its founding in 1957, and particularly since first creating club medals in 1965, the Woodstock Coin Club has been celebrating the history of Woodstock and Oxford County through numismatics.
Buildings, events, and individuals prominent in Oxford history have been, and continue to be, featured in the Club’s medallic issues. This presentation will illustrate the medals and the Club’s commitment to both city and county. Some of the historic coins will be available for sale. Presented by Angus Sutherland, vice-president and chair of the medal committee.
This presentation will take place at the Woodstock Museum, NHS. Doors open at 6:30, meeting starts at 6:45pm. This is a free event and open to all.
If you would like your event or article published (relating to Oxford County ON or South-Western ON), on the Society’s blog please email us at
The OxHS is now on Facebook and Instagram, to like us search: OxfordHistoricalSociety1897
Or click on the FB or Instagram symbol on the right hand side of our website!