Zorra Heritage Committee – Harrington Grist Mill Gathering – Wednesday, May 1 at 7pm!

Hello Everyone,

Please see this guest post from the Zorra Heritage Committee:

The Zorra Heritage Committee (ZHC) invites everyone to join them in exploring the Harrington Grist Mill on Wednesday, May 1 at 7pm. You do not need to be a member of ZHC to attend. This is a free meeting and is open to the public.

The mill, while owned by the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority, is operated by the Harrington & Area Community Association (HACA). HACA has been actively working for over two decades to preserve the mill. Two knowledgeable “millers” will be present to speak to the history of this mill and to the significance of mills in the development of early settlements throughout Oxford County in the 19th century.

The Zorra Heritage Committee (ZHC) is open to anyone interested in identifying and preserving heritage within the Township of Zorra. The committee seeks to uncover historical resources related to the Township’s past and to participate in activities and events that make these histories accessible to the public. ZHC is a committee of the Beachville District Historical Society and meets monthly, usually at 7 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month except July and August.  We alternate, one month with a business meeting and the following month with an activity related to our heritage.

You are welcome to join ZHC, whether or not you live in Zorra. Begin by taking out a membership at https://beachvilledistrictmuseum.com/membership/bdm-membership

If you would like your event or article published (relating to Oxford County ON or South-Western ON), on the Society’s blog please email us at info@oxhs.ca

Zorra Heritage Committee Meeting – Wednesday, March 6 at 7pm!

Hello Everyone,

Please see this guest post from the Zorra Heritage Committee:

The Zorra Heritage Committee (ZHC) is exploring the stories behind those “Historically…”signs you see to mark the forgotten places throughout Zorra.

We are gathering this information to:
1. Prepare an exhibit for Oxford Local History Day (Saturday, April 20, 2024 at the Ingersoll Library)
2. Develop a website explaining the signs and encouraging people to see them all and consider Zorra’s interesting history
3. Enrich our own knowledge of Zorra’s history

Here is the history behind Holiday:
‘The Crossroads, now known as Holiday, at the town line between East Nissouri at the former West Zorra TownshipRoad 78, has historically been known by many names. According to W.J Winterberg, the hamlet was known as Nissouri since 1853. In 1880, Holiday was known as McBrayne’s Corners. The hamlet boasted a school, blacksmithshop, and a general store. The population was 25 individuals, and mail was delivered daily. Mr. McBrayne owned a hotel, and general store on the south west corner of the farm at Lot 11 Con 1 West Zorra. The hotel was also home to a local post office. Before the CPR was established through Thamesford, mail was delivered via stage from Ingersoll. According to post office records, the town name was officially changed from Nissouri to Holiday in October 1894. By 1902, the population of Holiday had risen to nearly 50 people. There was a spring that carried throughout all of the citizens farms and eventually branched into the Thames River. This spring proved greatly important during the depression, as it allowed families to easily access water, as well as give the children a place to play. The community in Holiday, was very close, and held many events together.’

Click on this link to read about other Zorra Historic Rural Communities!

There are many Historical Communities to research, contact ZHC for the complete list of communities.

The next meeting of the ZHC will be on Wednesday, March 6th at 7pm at the Beachville District Museum. The meeting is free and open to the public.

If you wish to attend the meeting or participate in the research contact Sam Coghlan:

Sam Coghlan,
Secretary ZHC
(519) 475-4097

If you would like your event or article published (relating to Oxford County ON or South-Western ON), on the Society’s blog please email us at info@oxhs.ca

Tour of Beachville District Museum – Wednesday, January 3 at 7pm!

Beachville District Museum

Hello Everyone,

Please see this guest post from the Zorra Heritage Committee:

This is an invitation to join the Zorra Heritage Committee (ZHC) on a tour of the Beachville District Museum tomorrow evening – Wednesday January 3rd at 7:00 p.m.

ZHC is a group of people interested in the history of Zorra Township who, among other activities, have been touring memory institutions in the area that have holdings relevant to Zorra history. ZHC has already toured museums and archives in St. Marys, Stratford, London, Woodstock, Oxford County Library (via Ingersoll). Now they are keen to have Sidney Hicks, Interim Curator of the Beachville District Museum lead a tour of ZHC’s “home” (“home” because the museum is funded jointly by the Township of Zorra and the Township of South-West Oxford and, so, is the museum for Zorra Township).

Zorra Heritage Committee is a committee of the Beachville District Historical Society and anybody interested in Zorra history is welcome to become a member – simply notify either Sidney Hicks or myself (Sam Coghlan, Secretary of ZHC) and take out a membership in the Society – https://beachvilledistrictmuseum.com/membership/bdm-membership

Sam Coghlan,
Secretary ZHC
(519) 475-4097

If you would like your event or article published (relating to Oxford County ON or South-Western ON), on the Society’s blog please email us at info@oxhs.ca