Woodstock Museum NHS Presents – The Origins of Black History Month!

Hello Everyone,
please read this guest post from the Woodstock Museum NHS.

Join us at the Woodstock Museum with guest speaker and local historian Heather Rennalls exploring how Black History Month came to be founded. Learn about notable Black Canadians that helped make February an historically recognized month and see the Woodstock Museum’s permanent exhibit to learn about our own City’s Black History.

Date: Tuesday, March 5 from 6:30-8pm at the Woodstock Museum NHS

This is a FREE event, no registration required.

If you have an event, pictures and articles concerning the history of Oxford County that you would like published on the Society’s blog please email us at info@oxhs.ca

Ingersoll Library: Black History Month Event!

Hello Everyone,

Please see this guest post from the Ingersoll Library:

Curious about the new Underground Railroad Sculpture in Ingersoll?
Join us at Ingersoll Library Saturday, February 18, 2023 from 1-3PM

Meet local artist Duane Kumala-Thomas and discover the vision behind an Ingersoll art installation recognizing significant dates in town history.

Join local historian, Heather Rennalls and explorer her knowledge of Ingersoll’s Black history.

Ingersoll Town Councillor, Khadijah Haliru, will speak about her story from Nigeria to Brampton to Ingersoll.

Special Guests including: Town Councillor, Mike Bowman, Oxford Caribbean Canadian Association and more.

“Using the familiar theme of the underground railroad as a focal point, the sculpture aims to represent Ingersoll’s involvement in accepting, aiding and growing amongst a new and increasing black population in the 1800’s and beyond. The visual of train tracks breaking through the soil and springing up into the Ingersoll air will present viewers with the emphatic feeling of a journey to this place, where travellers came up for air, settled and planted new roots”.

Duane Kumala-Thomas

Feel free to spread the word about this special event via social media or by printing and displaying the attached posts: Ingersoll Library Event Duane Kumala-Thomas

The Ingersoll Library can be reached at:
The Town Centre, 130 Oxford Street Ingersoll ON N5C 2V5
Email: ingersolllibrary@ocl.net
Phone: 519-485-2505

Oxford Branch of Ontario Ancestors February Zoom Presentation: Black History Month

Logo from the OCBOGS

Hello Everyone,

please see this guest post from the Oxford County Branch of Ontario Ancestors.

Heather Rennalls will discuss the importance of Black History Month; the who, why and when Black History Month was designated both in the United States and here in Canada.  

This meeting will be a virtual Zoom meeting on Monday, February 13, 2023 at 7pm.

All are welcome to attend. Pre-registration is required.

To register for this event (or for inquiries), go to their website Oxford County Branch of Ontario Ancestors, and follow the links.