Hello Everyone,
The Woodstock Museum, NHS is asking for your help in collecting stories and photos about life during this pandemic. The following quote and photograph are from the Museum’s Facebook page:
Send us your written accounts, artwork, photographs or video recordings about everyday life during the pandemic to museum@cityofwoodstock.ca with the subject “Writing COVID-19 History.” Future generations are depending on you to explain what social distancing was and why toilet paper was being hoarded in 2020!

Woodstock Sentinel Review published an article about the Museum on April 22, 2020, written by Kathleen Saylors. Here is the link to the Woodstock Sentinel Review article.
A further article and interview about the Museum’s request for submission can be found on the London CTV News site.
Submissions can be sent by email to museum@cityofwoodstock.ca with the subject: “Writing COVID-19 History.” For more information visit the Museum’s website or their Facebook page.