Doug Symons’ Tribute

Hello Everyone,

Please read this guest post from the Woodstock Museum, NHS.

Give a shout out to historical stories!

In honour of the re-release of Doug Symons’ popular book “The Village that Straddled a Swamp”, the Woodstock Museum would like your help in reminiscing about a favourite piece of writing or photo from the book, and also if you have memories of Doug personally you’d like to share.

Please look through the book, choose an article, a photo, a quote or two about a certain local history site or story you find meaningful or interesting to you and share that story with the Museum. We would like to do a short bit of filming to pay tribute to Doug’s writings in a specific local history way. Some memories may be included in an upcoming exhibit related to “The Village that Straddle a Swamp”.

If you want to participate but are unsure of what to highlight we have some prepared prompts for anyone not familiar with the book. A voice recording may also be an option. If possible, we would like to set up a time for you to come into the museum during the first week or two of November.

Contact Kerrie Gill to set up a time at (519) 537-8411 ext. 2903 or    

Tonight: Zoom Meeting – Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Please join the Oxford Historical Society at our next Zoom meeting as Elaine Becker discusses the research and stories that went into So They Came: Young Men Farmers.

Excerpt from the book: “Destination Woodstock – The stories of young men who left home and family to make a new way of life in Canada is both thrilling and encouraging. They were not outstanding in any other way than that they had a hope for the future. They came from families facing untold challenges of unemployment, illness and death, as well as the lack of hope for the future”

Learn about the role that the Salvation Army played in bringing the immigrants to Canada, what was involved in researching Burnside Lodge, tracing family members, creating the list of immigrants and many other aspects of the book.

Old St. Paul’s Online Auction 2021

Hello Everyone,

Please see this guess post provided by Joanne Birtch, Chairperson of the Ways and Means Committee at Old St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Woodstock.

Old St. Paul’s is often referred to as Old St. Paul’s Woodstock’s Heritage Church as it is the oldest church building in Woodstock and it contains some of the city’s most valued monuments. It is also host to The Inn, Oxford County’s shelter for the homeless.

Due to Covid restrictions they are not able to host the an in-person auction so this year they have moved the auction on-line. The above poster lists the website and auction date for Old St. Paul’s.

If you have any question please contact Old St. Paul’s directly through their website.

Zoom Meeting Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Please join the Oxford Historical Society at our next Zoom meeting as Elaine Becker discusses the research and stories that went into So They Came: Young Men Farmers.

Excerpt from the book: “Destination Woodstock – The stories of young men who left home and family to make a new way of life in Canada is both thrilling and encouraging. They were not outstanding in any other way than that they had a hope for the future. They came from families facing untold challenges of unemployment, illness and death, as well as the lack of hope for the future”

Learn about the role that the Salvation Army played in bringing the immigrants to Canada, what was involved in researching Burnside Lodge, tracing family members, creating the list of immigrants and many other aspects of the book.

Virtual Curator Talk: The History of the John White Building

Hello Everyone,
This is a guest post from the Woodstock Art Gallery:

Virtual Curator Talk: The History of the John White Building

Thursday, October 14

Registration Link:

Join Assistant Curator of Education Julia deKwant for a virtual curator talk on the current exhibition, Ten Years in the Building: The John White Co. Inc.

This exhibition celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Woodstock Art Gallery’s move to the historic John White Building. With artifacts and photographs from the Woodstock Museum NHS and Oxford County Archives, the exhibition traces the building’s history of commerce and enterprise beginning with the formation of the John White Co. Ltd., which spanned three generations of the White family and 100 years. Follow along as Julia explores the curatorial practices used in the creation of the exhibition and the unique challenges of placing historic artifacts within an art gallery space. Q & A to follow.

The exhibition is currently on view until January 22, 2022.