Photo courtesy of the Woodstock Museum, NHS
The Oxford Historical Society is hosting a special dinner to celebrate the 125th Anniversary of our founding in 1897 by Andrew Pattullo!
Saturday, September 23rd, 2023
Salvation Army Family Church
769 Juliana Dr. Woodstock ON N4V 1E9
5:30 Reception; 6:00 Dinner; Program to follow.
At the dinner various local historical societies will have available for purchase some of their publications, cash only.
Tickets: $30 per person with choice of beef or chicken dinner
Tickets can be purchased in cash at the Woodstock Museum, NHS, or
Online by e-transfer to purchases@oxhs.ca, or by PayPal. To purchase online complete this form: OxHS 125th Anniversary Dinner!
Last Day to Purchase Tickets: Saturday, September 16, 2023
For more information please email us at info@oxhs.ca or leave a message at (226) 242-4774.
Feel free to post/share this 125th Anniversary Poster!
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