Oxford Historical Society 2022 AGM Update

Altadore, Legion Club Rooms, Woodstock ON
Postcard from the D. Wilson Collection, Oxford Historical Society

Many thanks to all those who attend the Society’s 2022 AGM. Thanks to Brenda Boswell for her wonderful presentation – Harvest Excursion: Featuring the Story of Gordon Stanley Boswell. A summary of her presentation will be in the spring edition of the Pattullo Press newsletter.

As of January 2022 our current Board Members are:

President: Kathie Richards
Past President: Jim Groulx
Vice President: Vacant
Treasurer/Secretary: Elaine Becker
Treasurer/Secretary: Laura Centore
Communications and Newsletter: Laura Centore
Membership: Judy Klages
Archives/Architecture: Eleanor Gardhouse
Board Members at Large: Jim Groulx, Don Wilson
Museum Liaison: Karen Houston

The Society wishes to welcome back our old members and give a warm hello to our new members. Please send in your Membership fees if you have not already done so, follow this link for how to renew for 2022: Membership Renewal

We are currently working on arranging presentations and some of the topics include Old Houses as Museum and Queen of the Con(Cassie Chadwick). If you have a topic that you would like to present please email the Society at info@oxhs.ca.