OxHS Upcoming Presentation – Wednesday, March 27, 2024 at 6:30pm!

Embro ON Scotia Mills 1916 – From the J. Gruszka Postcard Collection

Hello Everyone,

please join the Oxford Historical Society for our discussion: ‘Future of the Oxford Historical Society’

From the Pattullo Press Winter 2024 Newsletter – History of the Oxford Historical Society:

“Last year the Oxford Historical Society celebrated 125 years since its founding in 1897 by Andrew Pattullo. This year we think it is time to investigate what the future holds for our Society.

When the Historical Society was first formed, people kept items of historical nature they collected in their homes, which made it hard for the general public to access the information. Then we got a few shelves in the basement of the building at the southwest corner of Graham and Buller Steets, which at that time was the Oxford County Library. Then we moved in with the Oxford County branch of the Ontario Genealogy Society (now called Ontario Ancestors) in the building at the northwest corner of Graham and Hunter Streets, which was the Registry Officefor Oxford County. When Oxford County wanted to use that space for other purposes, they offered us space in the Governors’ House, which was being renovated and added to at that time. We spent about a year in a county building in Beachville until the renovations were completed. So in 2011 we finally moved back to Woodstock, where we shared the first floor of the Governors’ House with the Ontario Ancestors and the Oxford County Archives occupied the second floor. We thought we had finally been successful in having a place where people could easily research the history of Oxford County!

We held public meetings monthly with speakers talking about a variety of interesting historical topics at the Museum, then for a few years at the Woodstock Public Library before moving back to the Museum. We helped local authors like Doug Symons and Elaine Becker publish books. Chris Packman for many years led a committee that published questions about Oxford County history in the weekly Oxford Review, which we later published in a book called “Quizzical History”. We had a booth at the local Woodstock Fair in August and a table at the Oxford Arts show each October or November. And one of our biggest efforts was the tour of homes decorated for Christmas! Of course the pandemic put an end to that! However the Museum held one in November 2023, which some of our members assisted by staffing the homes.

When the Covid pandemic hit in March 2020, our office was closed by Oxford County to stop spreading the virus. We continued to pay rent for a space we could not access until the end of 2021. At that point we decided to transfer all the material we had collected to the Oxford Archives, so people could access it rather than have it dismantled and spread among other organizations or be returned to peoples’ homes.”

At this meeting we will discuss and explore options for the Future of the Society. Some reasons for this discussion is that we are having difficulty in finding individuals to serve on the Executive in key positions, volunteers to help with various activities like finding speakers, booth attendants, communications and other responsibilities.

The current Executive has been looking at options for our financial holdings. One option might include gifting our funds to other organizations, who would then provide funding to organizations or individuals, in accordance with the mandates of the Society.

We welcome suggestions from our members and would like to hear from all of you at our next meeting and to vote on an option (voting is restricted to paying members only).

This presentation will take place at the Woodstock Museum, NHS. Doors open at 6:30pm and the meeting will start at 6:45pm. This is a free public meeting, all are welcome to attend.

If you have an event, pictures and articles concerning the history of Oxford County that you would like published on the Society’s blog please email us at info@oxhs.ca

Woodstock Museum NHS Presents – The Origins of Black History Month!

Hello Everyone,
please read this guest post from the Woodstock Museum NHS.

Join us at the Woodstock Museum with guest speaker and local historian Heather Rennalls exploring how Black History Month came to be founded. Learn about notable Black Canadians that helped make February an historically recognized month and see the Woodstock Museum’s permanent exhibit to learn about our own City’s Black History.

Date: Tuesday, March 5 from 6:30-8pm at the Woodstock Museum NHS

This is a FREE event, no registration required.

If you have an event, pictures and articles concerning the history of Oxford County that you would like published on the Society’s blog please email us at info@oxhs.ca

OxHS Upcoming Presentation – Wednesday, February 28, 2024 at 6:30pm!

Alice Munro – 1960

Hello Everyone,

please join the Oxford Historical Society for Brenda Boswell’s presentation : ‘Party Line – Supporting Homemakers Over the Airwaves’

From Brenda:

Alice Munro was invited into the homes of many women within the CKOX  listening area every day from 10:10 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.  CKOX introduced a new program “Party Line” in 1959 on an experimental basis.  Women’s Commentator, Alice Munro invited listeners to call in and describe any problem pertaining to Homemaking which might require an answer. Others in the listening audience were encouraged to phone and supply the answer. 

The show was so popular that Alice produced three booklets of “Hints and Recipes for the Homemaker” in 1960, 1961 and 1965 which were “must haves” for her followers.

Party Line was part of a bigger movement across North America to help women feel less isolated in their homes.  As many women who had joined the workplace during WWII were displaced by returning soldiers, popular culture encouraged women to return to domestic life and look after their family which included creating interesting meals, keeping the home spotless and stain free.  

While Alice Munro did not create the concept of reaching homemakers by the radio, she certainly captivated local homemakers.  How many of us remember the hour after the 10:00 a.m. as being a sacred time in the kitchen.  The presentation will explore some of the early homemakers tailored to reach an untapped part of the market and how the stringing of hydro lines brought the most isolated women a connection to the world.  It also provided a wonderful opportunity for broadcasters to sell advertising.

From Alice Munro to Martha Stewart and beyond, women continue to connect with each other via the media.  

Oh yes, we will also touch on the story of Aunt Sammy, a fictional character created by the US Bureau of Home Economics which focussed on rural farm women.  And how does this relate to the Queen of Romania you ask?  Set your dial to the Oxford Historical Society channel on Feb. 28th, to find out!

This presentation will take place at the Woodstock Museum, NHS. Doors open at 6:30pm and the meeting will start at 6:45pm. This is a free public meeting, all are welcome to attend.

If you have an event, pictures and articles concerning the history of Oxford County that you would like published on the Society’s blog please email us at info@oxhs.ca

OxHS AGM – Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 6:30pm!

Hello Everyone,

Happy New Year!

Please join us for the Society’s Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 6:30pm. The meeting will be held at the Woodstock Museum NHS

Tonight’s presentation: Shipwrecks on Lake Erie – From Port Dover to Port Stanley, presented by Elaine Becker
From Elaine: “6,000 wrecks have occurred in the Great Lakes with  175 and 200 wrecks off Long Point. Many have never been identified.  Port Dover to Port Stanley on Lake Erie, will be the focus of the presentation touching on some of the more notable stories.

For 2024 the Oxford Historical Society will not be taking membership fees.

Thank you, and we hope to see all of you at the AGM!

If you have an event, pictures and articles concerning the history of Oxford County that you would like published on the Society’s blog please email us at info@oxhs.ca

Spirit of Christmas Tour of Homes!

Hello Everyone,

Please see this guest post from the Woodstock Museum NHS:

The Spirit of Christmas Tour of Homes is back!

Our holiday home tour is returning for the first time in three years on Saturday, November 25 from 10am to 2pm.

Hosted by the Museum Advisory Committee, the tour will feature four historic homes decked out for the holidays. Tickets can be purchased for $20 each at the Museum. Visit our website for a map of the participating homes!

If you have an event, pictures and articles concerning the history of Oxford County that you would like published on the Society’s blog please email us at info@oxhs.ca