Happy Holidays from the OxHS!

Main St. Innerkip in Winter
from the John Gruszka Postcard Collection of the OxHS

Hello Everyone,

Season’s Greetings from the Oxford Historical Society! The Society wishes to thank all of you for your support throughout 2022 and we hope to see all of you at our meetings and events in 2023!

Coming up in January 2023:

Nominations will be accepted for the 2023 Executive, email us at info@oxhs.ca if you wish to become a member of the Executive. The current Executive positions are:

President: Kathie Richards
Past President: Jim Groulx
Vice President: Vacant
Treasurer: Laura Centore
Secretary: Vacant
Communications and Newsletter: Laura Centore
Membership: Judy Klages
Archives/Architecture: Eleanor Gardhouse
Board Members at Large: Jim Groulx, Don WilsonElaine Becker
Museum Liaison: Karen Houston

Membership fees are due at this time. 
Annual memberships run from January to December. 
A single membership is $25 and a family membership is $30. 
Membership can be paid by cash or cheque to the Oxford Historical Society, or by eTransfer to purchases@oxhs.ca
To become a member complete the Membership Form. Either email the completed form to info@oxhs.ca or mail it to:
Oxford Historical Society
PO Box 20091
Woodstock ON N4S 8X8

Wednesday, January 25 – Annual General Meeting and Presentation:

Our speaker for tonight will be Krista Hulshof Duynisveld, presenting
Ontario Barn PreservationPreserving Ontario’s Rural History One Barn at a Time!

Photo provided by the
Ontario Barn Preservation

The Vision of the Ontario Barn Preservation‘Is dedicated to preserving our heritage barns. We are a not-for-profit organization. Heritage barns are not only beautiful pieces of architecture and craftsmanship, they contribute to our rural landscape and as they disappear Ontario’s landscape is permanently changed. Ontario Barn Preservation provides resources, advice, connections, events, and services to preserve our barns.’

Architect Krista Hulshof Duynisveld will outline the work of the Ontario Barn Preservation and the importance of barn preservation and the important stories of Ontario’s pioneering past.

Have a wonderful Christmas and Holiday Season!

Holiday Book Sale!

Hello Everyone,

Looking for a great holiday gift? No need to look any further!

The Oxford Historical Society, the Oxford County Archives and the Ingersoll & District Historical Society will be selling local publications on:

Wednesday, December 14, 2022 from 10am to 4pm at the Oxford County Administration Building (OCAB) foyer, located at 21 Reeve St., Woodstock ON N4S 3G1

Cash or cheque only!

Visit the Society’s Publication page to see some of our offerings!

The following poster can be printed and shared: Holiday Book Sale!

For more information contact the Society at info@oxhs.ca, 226-242-4774; or the Oxford County Archives at archives@oxfordcounty.ca, 519-539-9800 ext. 3070

Presentation Tonight: Wednesday, November 30, 2022 – Life on Board a Lancaster Bomber in WWII!

WWII Lancaster Bomber, picture from the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum

Hello Everyone,

Please join us on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 to hear John Bullen’s presentation. His topic will be: For RCAF Crew: Life On Board A Lancaster Bomber in WWII.

John Bullen, is a member and volunteer Tour Guide with the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum. He is also a member of their Speaker Panel.

His interest in the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum was inspired by his late Uncle who was a Harvard flight instructor during WWII, and was based out of the Kingston, ON airport.

John will be discussing a brief overview of the Lancaster, the crews, the conditions they endured, the challenges and threats, the keys to survival and Canada’s contribution.

This presentation will take place on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 at the Woodstock Museum, NHS. Doors open at 6:30pm and the meeting will start at 6:45pm. 
This is a free public meeting, all are welcome to attend.

The following poster can be printed if you wish to advertise this event: Life On Board A Lancaster Bomber in WWII!

12 Hours That Saved A Country – The 1812 Battle of Queenston Heights

Hello Everyone,

This guest post is provided by the St. Marys Station Gallery.

The St. Marys Station Gallery latest exhibit:

12 Hours That Saved A Country – The 1812 Battle of Queenston Heights

will be on display from Friday, November 25th to Saturday, December 31st, 2022

Opening Reception will take place on Saturday, November 26th at 1pm.

This excerpt from the Gallery’s Curator, Cameron Porteous, appeared in the St. Marys Independent on Wednesday, November 28th, 2022:

“This exhibition at the St. Marys Station Gallery is a collection of 14 renderings that document, in the timeline, the invasion of Canada on October 13, 1812. The renderings and stories attempt to question the myths and official documents that exist describing this event.
For the 2012 bi-centennial of the War of 1812, I set out to create renderings honouring the “Battle of Queenston Heights”. For over 30 years I lived on what was the battlefield in the village of Queenston and had studied the documents and diaries written by the soldiers who fought and witnessed the battle. It became quite clear to me that much of the history we read and is portrayed has been romanticized. These documents uncovered mutiny, sabotage, failed organization and questionable leadership on both sides. In other words, the army that makes the least amount of stupid decisions will most likely win the battle. Because most of the battle took place at night and in foul weather, it was important to walk the battlefield in the “timeline” with an attempt to see what it must have been like. So on October 13 at 4 a.m. I set out to document each important hour of the battle.”

St. Mary’s Station Gallery is located at 5 James St. N(VIA train station), St. Marys ON N4X 1B1

For further information about this event contact St. Marys Station Gallery at 416-523-8899, email stmarysstationgallery@gmail.com

Upcoming Presentation: Wednesday, November 30, 2022 – Life on Board a Lancaster Bomber in WWII!

WWII Lancaster Bomber, picture from the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum

Hello Everyone,

Please join us on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 to hear John Bullen’s presentation. His topic will be: For RCAF Crew: Life On Board A Lancaster Bomber in WWII.

John Bullen, is a member and volunteer Tour Guide with the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum. He is also a member of their Speaker Panel.

His interest in the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum was inspired by his late Uncle who was a Harvard flight instructor during WWII, and was based out of the Kingston, ON airport.

John will be discussing a brief overview of the Lancaster, the crews, the conditions they endured, the challenges and threats, the keys to survival and Canada’s contribution.

The following poster can be printed if you wish to advertise this event: Life On Board A Lancaster Bomber in WWII

This presentation will take place on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 at the Woodstock Museum, NHS. Doors open at 6:30pm and the meeting will start at 6:45pm. 
This is a free public meeting, all are welcome to attend.